FitPAWS® Fan Videos

Video-pict-300x172FitPAWS® Equipment for Canine Fitness

How important is core strength in canine fitness?  Our Customers know!
The core is the POWERHOUSE of a dog’s body. Helping your dog develop strong core muscles can help reduce and prevent injuries.  We have great customers who share their FitPAWS experiences.

Check out some of our fan videos:

Rue Balance & Coordination Work  – Martial Arfs
Border Collie Rue working to improve her balance and coordination.

Myst’s Advanced Work on the FitPaws Paw Pods – Cynde Leshin
Myst shows her advanced work on the FitPaws Paw Pods. Excellent fun way to mentally stimulate your dog plus develop their skills in proprioception.

Charlie’s First FitPAWS Session – missdaisysdogcamp
Charlie is a Cavachon who just started a FitPAWS program. This is a video of some of the things he learned on his first day.

If you have videos of FitPAWS equipment please submit to our FitPAWS Favorite channel on YouTube

Browse our Favorite Channel for more of our fan videos:

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